My last driving lesson was two weeks ago and according to my instructor, I getting there and might be able to take the practical exams at the end of January next year. Doesn’t that sound good? I haven’t got any practice outside of the lessons with the instructor as mainly because; we don’t have an L sign to be posted to the car yet. How negligent is that? I might get them this weekend.
The rule here said that I should hold my learners permit for a year before I can take the practical exams but there are exceptions – when a driver’s license in needed for work or for when taking children to school or day care. I’ve already told my boss about those conditions and he is happy to give me the letter to prove to the Department of Transport that I need to have a license for work purposes. But I doubt it that I will drive in going to work. It’s just too far. I might just when I need to go to the client’s site.
Mcj said, we’re going to buy me a car if I have a P permit. I am really excited about it. This is the car that he likes to buy me and I’m quite taken into it.Getting this baby would be a major expense, not to mention all those necessary expenses coupled with buying a new car like auto insurance, rego, etc. I think we might assess our finances if we can afford it.
Photo from
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Could be my dream car?
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