Wednesday, 7 January 2009

I Just Window-shopped

I wasn’t lucky last New Year’s Eve. The steep walk from the office to the train station had finally taken its toll on me. I was wearing alcheapo shoes and stepped on an underground water meter cover and slipped – tearing my favourite pants and scraping my right knee. I am thankful, I didn’t break my legs. One guy came to the rescue but I told him that, I think I am fine. He asked if I broke my shoes. Funny.

After the incident, I bowed that I would not buy alcheapo shoes anymore however cheap they are. I will stick to buying shoes with good grip on the soles. Mcj said, I just need to walk carefully. I do now. I use the other side of the road which isn’t that steep and walk real slow.

So, I’ve been window shopping for my future buys. Yeah, future as I promised myself not to shop for anything until our trip to RP.

I like these:

While browsing away, stumbling onto weight loss product is not impossible. The ads about them are everywhere on the net. I think it’s second to dating sites. What do you reckon?