Thursday, 22 January 2009

Window Shopping, Again!

In my search for what-nots, I found more online shoe shops. It is really fun browsing around. It’s a shame though that some do not accept Paypal for payment and if they do, my Paypal accounts have balances close to nothing. I just finished my on-line shopping spree for presents for when we go to the Philippines. I bought watches for everybody, tell you. The price is just too good to resist. Mcj said, it looks like I don’t have originality and they might think that I am a watch dealer and giving them my surplus. Lol. As I’ve said, they are nice brands of watch with great prices. Why should I pass it up?

Not enough moolah didn’t stop me from browsing and admiring nice pair of shoes though. Buying shoes for me now is like buying wood flooring, so far out. :)