Monday, 18 January 2010


Today, I experience again a passing inspiration. I was in my fellow bloggers site and I read something about postcrossing. I got interested that I looked it up and signed-in right away. Now, I have one post card to send to Germany.

In this day and age of everything instant, receiving a snail mail is a novelty. A novelty that I dearly appreciate. Sure you can print an email, an e-card but where’s the personal touch in it? I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t like keeping printed emails and ecards. Printing and keeping recipes are much better viewed.

I have a long time friend in the Philippines who’s been sending me cards ever since I left. She’s just so thoughtful. And like me, she appreciates the snail mail better than email.

I appreciate the internet (what when I’m doing some research on acnezine) but for me it’s not always the easy and nice way – when I’m on my soft-heart side.
