Do you like massage? I do but I'm ticklish so Mcj gets annoyed with me. :) Massage is good for us (it may help avoid us to having that acne treatments) and to babies also. Here are some facts about baby massage:
What massage does
Massage should be enjoyable for both parent and baby.
It provides lots of benefits:
Learning to know each other
Helping the baby to feel safe and loved
Stimulation of different body systems (immune system, circulation, digestion)
Enhancing development (encourages movement and coordination).
Helping parents and baby to learn to trust and have confidence in each other.
When to massage
Each family needs to find the time that suits them best.
It is best to wait 20 minutes or so after a feed but not too close to sleep time.
Some families massage after bath time when the baby is already undressed, as many young babies dislike being dressed and undressed. Some babies respond better in the evening.
It is not a good idea to try to massage a baby who is upset.
How often to massage
Baby massage can be done whenever it suits the family routines, but don't feel pressured that you have to do it. Be guided by what your baby likes and how you feel as well.
I just bought Jens a massage oil and he seem to like it. His reaction was pleasant unlike when I was just using a normal cream. He went to sleep after the massage. Maybe he was just sleepy or in growth spurt. :)
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