Pro-blogging is now very common to all bloggers, well at least to my blog roll. Everyone is into it now. Well, this is very good and helpful to those stay at home wife or mum, for we can earn money on our spare time or break time from managing our household, taking care of our child/children and from being a wife.
And just like everyone else, I'm into it also. I was just approved in
payperpost. I know there are several companies online that offered paid blogging opportunities and from what I know they are unique on it's own. It seems PPP is the biggest? Well, almost every blog that I frequent, bears it's banner. That's how I come to know it in the first place. Everyone is competing for the paid opportunities but when you look at it deeply, everyone benefited because just like the proces of PPP, you can't reserve more than one opp at a time.
I love shopping, so I'm sure the moolah that I will earn from PPP paid posts will go to retail therapy especially for gifts to my loved ones. You know sometimes, you want it to be a surprise. So how can it be a surprise if you're spending the money that everyone knows? At least with the moolah from pro blogging, it's only me that knows about it. Cheeky, eh!