Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Toys for the Big Boys

How can one enjoy in a place where most audience are male and little boys? By taking photos of course. Althought, I didn't really take much of them. I ended up reading a book. There are booths and stalls but they mainly sell toys for the big boys (barcode scanner was put in use, Not). I suppose one has to give up a day in her life for someone she loves, right?

This is my world and ruby tuesday entry.



reg said...

Fantastic models

Hootin Anni said...

How fun is that?!! I enjoyed your post a lot. I can almost hear the buzz of the 'engines'.


A note: I'm going to begin a new meme, started tomorrow evening. You may be interested in participating...at least stop by tomorrow around 6PM my time zone to find out what it's going to be like....

Have a great day just filled with loads of sunshine!!!

Auntie E said...

Oh the joy of making those and flying them.
My Ruby link for you

Lola said...

Nice models but I'm not too keen on boys' toys either!

Happy Ruby Tuesday,


btw Mine this time is IS IT ME OR ARE ALL WRAP DRESSES UGLY! Hope you can stop by.