There’s more to me that being a shoe-aholic. Of course! I love shopping and spending but all of that has come to an end or needs curbing as our Little Boy is getting bigger.
I hate to admit this and say out loud but I am a worry-wart. And I found that for me to worry less is for me to know the facts and all the information available there is. What’s in my mind now is Jens’ education. I know it’s a bit early for that but the sooner I know what I need to know, the better we can plan. For some parents, there’s never too early. Some even line-up their kids in the best primary school while they’re still pregnant.
I know, I have to go through lots of hurdles first before proper schooling will hit me hard. There are the extra-curricular activities that will keep Jens busy and happy to think about. Does he want to play piano? Does he want to enrol in swimming? Does he want to play football? Tennis? Cricket? Oh, endless questions. But tackling each one at a time is the best way to deal with it. We can not really know where is Jens fancy lies for now. All we can do is make those things available for him.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Preparing for the Future
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