It's now down to final for Wimbledon. I wasn't really following the events and games since the start - just started from the 4th round. But, I wouldn't want to miss the finals for men and women singles. It's Roger against Rafa and Venus against Serena. It would be very interesting especially in the women's.
I know for a fact that there's big money in tennis, that is if you won. But I was overwhelmed to learn the amount that the champion would bag last night.
Anyway, I reckon tennis just like golf is a clear cut game. No nonsense. Unlike other events, I haven't heard of gossips of players using enhancement drug (even like
legal steroids).
I'm sure, I would be greatly entertained tonight of the tennis match. There was a controversy with the Williams sisters playing in the finals, that it would be a family decision which both of them found a rude comment as they said, they are professionals.
And tomorrow night, I might be torn between Rafa and Roger. Roger for me is too good to be true and found him too perfect (read: boring) that I am slightly inclined to root for Rafa. Well, let's see.