Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Handy Tips

I bought book for practical household hints and it was really handy. Thought of sharing some here:

  • Keep a large box lined with plastic by the back and front doors and insist that your family deposit wet shoes, dirty trainers and the like in them before coming into the house.
  • Drop two alka-zeltzers into a glass of water, drop in your jewellery for two minutes and they'll come out like new.
  • The best way of getting rid of antiperpirant stains is to treat them first with dry-cleaning solution and then with ordinary household ammonia before rinsing the garmeng thoroughly. Alternatively, apply a paste of bicarbonate of soda and salt to the area and leave it for 15 minutes before soaking in a biological detergent and washing in the usual way.
  • With mascara stains, rub with neat washing-up liquid then wash as usual. Any stubborn residual should vanish after being treated with dry cleaning fluid.

'Nough for now. Will share more later. Have to look for tips on computer and stuff (like ram).