Have you even thought that the shoes you love may give you some health problems? Well yes. They do. According to studies, tight shoes contribute to 9 out of 10 cases of foot problems in women. So to avoid taking out medicare supplement just to see a podiatrist, heed to this advice from the Foot Care Basics.
At home, trace around your foot on a piece of paper and bring it with you to the store. Don't even try on any shoe that is narrower or smaller than the tracing.
Have the salesperson measure both your feet each time you buy new shoes—feet change with age. If your feet are different sizes, buy shoes that accommodate the larger one.
Don't rationalize that the shoes “just need to be broken in.” Find shoes that fit from the start.
Feel inside the shoe to see if there are any tags, seams, or other materials that may irritate your foot.
Make sure you have a quarter- to a half-inch of space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe when standing.
Shop for shoes in the afternoon—your feet naturally expand during the day.
Wear the same type of sock that you intend to wear with the shoes.
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