I have been quite productive this weekeend. I have so many little projects around the house that I wanted and needed to get done. They're something that I can live for a little while longer without doing but to some extent are stressing me when I see them. I'm sure anyone who's into organising know about this. I have a long list of things to do and chipping off them feels really great.
I have not planned them exactly to get done this weekend but you know, from time to time I dream that I have enough time to do them. So, aside from the usualy household chores I was able to sort the Tatapilla's clothes, our hallway cupboard which is our sort-of bathroom cupboard and our pantry. I have stuff to give away and thrown out a lot of food and tioletries and medication. Oh well, I suppose it's the downside of working and not having enough time to check the expiry dates of food and medicines.
As I felt really good about it thatvI bought myself a little present. It's something that will require decisions like which guitar string is which. It's somehing not expensive but very attractive in my opinion.