Saturday, 16 September 2017

Perfect Boots for Little People

By little people means petite person. Like me! I've been looking for this type of boots for a while. Being short, ankle boots are just not my friend. Or any other type of boots for that matter. Although it didn't stop me from buying them. I own two pairs. But these half-boots, I call them, are perfect for cold weather. I'd buy another pair in different colour but they don't have my size.&nb...

Saturday, 19 March 2016

What Really is BB Cream?

I've heard of it for a long time now and of course when I heard of it for the first time, I was very curious but not curious until now to know what does it really mean and what does it do. So here's what I know.  The term BB means a lot of things - beauty balm, blemish balm, etc.  It was originally marketed in Asian market but has proliferated the Western counterpart.  In some area, it can be called CC Cream.   As an all-in-one facial cosmetic product, I'd be tempted to use this one.  Need to do more research though  ***** It's...

Sunday, 24 January 2016

A Little Reward

I have been quite productive this weekeend.  I have so many little projects around the house that I wanted and needed to get done.  They're something that I can live for a little while longer without doing but to some extent are stressing me when I see them.  I'm sure anyone who's into organising know about this.  I have a long list of things to do and chipping off them feels really great. I have not planned them exactly to...

Monday, 18 January 2016


I am talking not just the colour, which is my colour of the year.  There are yellow stuff around the house before this year arrived but I decided that my house will be adorned or decorated with hues of yellow, green and light blue.  Okay, on to another yellow.  One of my favourite songs of Coldplay of course.  Before I became familiar with their songs, I have heard of the band.  I believe the first song that I listened to was the Sky Full of Stars which the video was recorded in Australia and if I am right, launched...

Art Nouveau

I am currently reading a trilogy book and I am on the third instalment. On a side, since Fifty Shades.. most of the books these days are in-parts and some even are cliff-hangers. But that’s another story. In the book, the hero gave the heroine an art nouveau oval-cut diamond ring. It was described in details that I might recognise it when I see it. Not only the book made me curious of the ring but I want to know what is art nouveau, of course. I bet I would be curious too if I read about joy jewellers promise rings. I found that art nouveau...

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Bucket Feet

I can't remember if I have posted anything in facebook related to shoes.  I love shoes but I am sure that I have not broadcasted it to facebook.  Anyway, I have been targeted with Bucket Feet ads every time I access facebook.  I am not complaining really.  They're all lovely shoes, good for walking as what the website says.  I am actually tempted to buy a pair (they look like vintage  but I was warned by a friend that somebody said, stuff that are being sold in facebook are not what they were said or advertised...

I Shop at Hardware Store Too

The news that Woolworths or it's parent company might pull-out Masters saddens me.  I have shopped there a lot when it was new.  I have not been there recently, been going to Bunnings though for some reason.  But I reckon, having Masters just so close to Bunnings drive the competition.  But the thing is, both stores don't really sell the same brand so the promotion of beating 10% of the price, can't apply.   I really hope, Masters will stay.  I mean I have not bought a Fulterer soft close drawer slides there...

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Nautical Blue

Hmmm.. not that I really like stripes but I do like blue.  When I bought this, there were only one left at the shop.  A few weeks later when I visited the shop again, the shopkeeper said... she wished that she kept one for her self.  it reminds me of sunshine, summer and the beach.  Nautical design you say?  Maybe.  I just love ...

Orange & Flowers

How do you like them orange?  With flowers too!  And this time, they have thin heels t...

Lacy Shorts

What's with lace recently?  Or maybe, it's not really that recent.  I bought a lacy top almost two years ago.  Anyway, I bought these lacy sort of shorts and I am not sure what top should I wear with them.  I own a black knit top, I suppose that will do. &nb...